Sunday, July 13, 2008

Staging in DC

I'm in DC, finally starting the transition to S Africa!

I left Chicago at 9 this morning and saying goodbye was just as hard as expected- but in the past few years I have been slowly conquering my tears, sp today turned out to not be that bad! Certainly I cried, but not too much:-)
I can't even wrap my head around the idea of leaving for 2 years, so I mentally just thought I'm saying goodbye for now, but I'll see everyone soon.
In any case tonight I just need some time to relax, so I'm reading Disgrace, writing in my journal, and going to sleep early. Tomorrow I plan on going out and socializing with all the great new people I met today! There are 44 of us, from all across the country. There were more than a few people from California and North Carolina- 2 young married couples and one older couple - many people 22-28 i would say- many teachers, as is to be expected, but then a few random majors
Once we leave here Monday it's off to receive vaccinations, then 17.5 hours to SA- 4 days in a dorm, then to the host families homes where we stay during the 8-12 weeks of training. I won't have internet or a phone for these first few months, but I will have a lot going on so that's good. Onto my book now. . .write if you want to know more about anything. peace


Unknown said...

Hey, Moll, glad you made it safely. Keeping you in our prayers and proud of what you are taking on. Good luck.
Dave Nies

Kelli said...

I miss you, girl. Be safe.

<3 kell